Monday, November 10, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 45

The Good:
Last Sunday night I walked out the back door to this stunning sunset! I loved catching the reflection off the roof of a neighbors car.

The Random:
I looked over at the gym midweek and thought I saw one of my favorite AM radio DJs. Turns out, it was him. Pumping iron with a local "celeb" - wicked.

The Fun:
We've spent all year, so far, in writing learning how to write strong opinion pieces. The kids are really doing amazing with the big demands of this program and we recently finished out class collaborative pieces. Since each section took one side of an argument, we posted our papers on the bulletin board for a school vote. Each morning I have a kid or two encouraging staff and students to read the papers and vote, perfect for election week!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. How cool is that that he replied?!

    J's class also just published their 'balanced argument' pieces (different topics) and it was amazing reading how some of them organized and presented both sides of the argument, before forwarding their own opinion/s on the matter.

  2. That sunset is amazing and how cool to see a local celeb (granted, much cooler in your neck of the woods than mine - though occasionally I used to spot one of the weathermen at the 'former' gym --- much smaller in person than on TV). Great job on the school assignment - that is an ambitious one and congratulations on getting there.

  3. The reflection on the cars of the beautiful sunset prove the point you can find beauty everywhere...good job. it would be easy to miss this view!

  4. Okay - that reflection & the sky- AMAZING!!! What a beautiful sight.

    Very cool about your gym company - that's always fun!

    Have a wonderful week Tamar!!!

  5. Wow on that sunset! That's so cool about seeing a local celeb at your gym. What a great project for the kids!

  6. We especially like this week's GRF offering. :) m ( who is fairly wishy-washy ) & jb ( who has Strong Opinions )

  7. wow...I LOVE the sunset shots! And really enjoy getting a peek into your school world! You have such a knack for sharing things about your students and classroom in a respectful and fun way!

  8. Tamar, I haven't gotten around to being on Twitter as yet. I have so much to read already! Loved your sunset photo on the roof of the car. Interesting perspective.

  9. Yes, interesting shots of these wonderful details of the sunset over the cars, nice photos!

  10. awesome that you can recognize a DJ - I probably wouldn't recognize a celeb that you actually see on TV or in a movie if I ran into one!

  11. Hi Tamar, great random set! Have a wonderful week.

  12. It kills me how you always get celebs to respond to your Tweets! Love that sunset. That is gorgeous color.

  13. oh lord the reflection on the hood of the cars is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Gorgeous sunset! I don't know who the guy is but that's cool that he replied to your tweet. :)

  15. Beautiful sunset, haha fancy seeing him at the gym, so cool :)

  16. Great reflective sunset pictures. Love the perspective. Very cool to be working out with a local celeb too. You're fall leaf pictures in the next post are pretty amazing. We do get some good color here but not that much. Thanks for sharing.
