Monday, December 23, 2013

P52: The 51st week around the sun

1 full week left in 2013! How in the universe did that happen? Funny thing, when I said that to my class this week, one kid pipes up and goes, "well the earth has almost finished going around the sun, so yeah it's almost 2014!" Smart little kids!

This was a fun week heading into vacation! We did tons of creative writing, lots of reading for fun, and we ended the week with a PJ party where we read our personal narratives to the younger kids and enjoyed hot chocolate. Fun way to end the 2013 side of our school year.

Then, once I said adieu to my class, I high-tailed it to the airport to head to Portland!!! SO excited to have woken up to Noam and Ronan - more than excited to spend the rest of 2013 out here. Making memories up until the end, I say.

Highlight of the week: Reuniting with Noam and Ronan on Saturday AM! Been 5 months since I have seen them!

Favorite teaching moment: Watching my kiddos read their stories and beam with pride as they shared their writing with the "littler" kids at KSA!

Random-osity: I colored two finger nails with highlighter one day this week...that stuff doesn't come off easily!!
I have decided to start a link-up in 2014! It will be on Mondays and be called:
 "The Good. The Random. The Fun."
Come link up something good, random, or fun about your week, or all 3! I hope you'll join me!!

The Details
* Post 1 photo or as many as you like each week on Mondays.
* The button or text link should be present in your post- but not absolutely necessary.
* Please visit some other blogs & leave some love & encouragement.
* Submit the URL of your blog post - not your home page.

Can’t wait to see all your photos each week as we venture through 2013!
Project 52
Kleinworth & Co.,Project 52, photo sharing, weekly Monday blog link up


  1. I just discovered your blog and wanted to leave a comment saying Merry Christmas :D

  2. So nice to see you back with your nephews!! Enjoy!!

  3. So nice to see you back with your nephews!! Enjoy!!

  4. The pure joy and pleasure you get when around not only your class kids, but those cuties in Portland just oozes from your words and images. Have a wonderful end to 2013 filled with lots of laughter, love, and memories.

  5. I'm so happy you are with your little buddies! enjoy!

  6. So glad that you had a great ending to the 2013 portion of the school year. Hope you will have a blast ringing in 2014 with those adorable babes.

  7. Oh you always look so happy when you are with those little guys! Ronan looks so much bigger, well of course, but he does. Awesome.

  8. Those kiddos are too cute, it´s obvious how you love them and the other way around! :-)

  9. (I think I´ve gone blind - where is the code to the button now again?)

  10. Time spent with family...priceless :)
