Sunday, January 5, 2014

Song-ography: Unwritten

I am unwritten...I'm just beginning...
...Ending unplanned.

This was a hard song for me. There was something inside me that wanted to think outside the box and dig deep. I just didn't know what it was.

Then I realized, the song really spoke to me...

In the last few months, I have done a better job at living in the moment. Not always thinking 5 steps ahead, not always knowing what comes next.

It's freeing. It's amazing. It's scary. It's a great way to enter 2014.

That's my goal for the year. Take each day at a time. Savor this time. This is really a great time in my life. I feel like I am coming into my own, an adult, but still young. I feel confident in who I am and what I am doing. Taken almost 26 years to get here, so I am working on savoring it.

My life isn't written yet. Each day this year will be another entry into the Book of Tamar. Each day is a new beginning.


  1. The more I think about this song, the more I think the word "Unwritten" is going to be my mantra for 2014. It's such a wonderful and freeing way to live life. Full of possibilities. And actually, I think life would be pretty dull if we were a finished book. Love the simplicity of your actually speaks volumes to me! You have such joy in your face my friend :). Thanks for joining in on Song-ography!

  2. Great shot Tamar - your shot totally shows your joy in this amazing journey called life!

  3. I love the way you went deep in your interpretation-and the wisdom you speak. I felt like I came into my own in my early 30's. You're smarter than me. Then as you get beyond that, it's hard not to look backwards. So do stay in the moment.
    Fund selfie. Such joy on that smiling face.

  4. You speak such wise words for one so young. Your book will be an interesting one.

  5. You go girl! Love following long as your story is written!

  6. So many sweet wonderful years ahead for you, Tamar. Enjoy it with arms wide open!!

  7. Wonderful thoughts and I wish you a great year with a lot of great experiences.

  8. It's the perfect response to this song, in my opinion. I agree that the age you are is such the time to feel free, and as if the door is wide open for opportunity. I maintain that my mid to late 20s was a pivotal time for me. I was just beginning to understand myself, and come into my own. It is an exciting time! Still young, and so much ahead! Enjoy this season!

  9. Love this blog and this reality!!! You are a wise soul and I miss you so much!!!

    BTW, I have always loved this song and the realization that I have a journey to take.

  10. What a great interpretation. I love that you are comfortable with yourself. It's an amazing feeling. You have a lovely smile by the way.

  11. Love the portrait! If you've figured that out by age 26, you're doing amazing! Hope 2014 is a great year for you!

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