Monday, January 13, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v.2

You all rock! Thank you for linking up last week. I loved seeing all the links. 

First full week of January is in the books. It was a busy week and the year feels like it's off to a great start. Although, after a bought with an upper respiratory infection and mild bronchitis, I am hoping the second week will be less germy. 

The Good: 
The newest gym games started this week, I tried a few events and am currently holding 1st place in the bench press. Fun and best way to get rid of the holiday guilt...

The Random:
I have a seltzer maker, but am obsessed with the insanely awesome flavors Polar Seltzer sells. Amazing. Not eco-friendly or grocery budget friendly, but so amazing. 

The Fun:
At KSA, we've had a school wide "project" to find even more creative ways to learn and express ourselves. It's based on the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds. In the book the little girl has to sign her name to her work, so we tried to find the wackiest ways to sign our names!



  1. Wow, congrats on your gym success!!

    - Nicky @

  2. I've been battling sciatica for the past 2 days, but will try to run this morning despite that fact. Good for you for staying with your gym program even though you felt lousy. xo

  3. I so love the Gym Games idea...and way to go, girl!!

  4. Look at you!! The gym games are awesome!! Love that Polar seltzer too! I look at it as my treat at the end of a day in a wine glass! :)

  5. Yeah for gym games (how bad is it that I want to get over this cough/cold/flu thing so I can get back to the gym?). I'm into vitamin water - or Sobe water - or plain ole ice-cold water. I'll have to look for some of the Polar stuff for a change of pace.

  6. A great start except for the sickies. Way to go on the gym placement!

  7. Oh girl...keep will so appreciate you put in this hard work when you get older.

  8. Wow, super woman. I need some inspiration. Holiday guilt really? I'm sure you'll get rid of any extra calories with all that work.

    Hope you feel better.

  9. That is too funny; how he is signing his name. Reminds me of my childhood friend challenging me to hold a pencil with my toes and writing. lol

  10. Whoooo Hoooo- look at you!!!! That is great!! I'm so impressed & inspired. :)

  11. Wow! You go, girl! I love the idea of gym games! Competition keeps people motivated.

    Love the photo of writing names with mouths. I bet you are a fun teacher.

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!

  12. hahahaha, thanks for liking the photo of the zipping of the coat. lol ♥

  13. Way to go on the bench press! Wow. :)

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think you are an awesome teacher.

  14. Wow! Good for you on the bench press. Work those challenges! It's so nice how they can keep one motivated.

  15. Love your week! And bench press? You go girl!
