Monday, March 10, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 10

The Good: 
It's March. It's still below freezing in the mornings with the wind chills. It's getting old, fast.

But. The sunsets. Oh the sunsets. They're the icing on the cold cake. Look at this - unedited stunner.

The Random:
Random, but amazing. In December, we had did a "friendly letter" unit in Writer's Workshop. One of my kiddos is a figure skater and he wrote to Scott Hamilton. Well, Scott Hamilton responded - personally! He sent an autographed picture and hand written note - amazing!!

The Fun:
I had seen an idea on pinterest ages ago about using "Twister" in the classroom - this one idea had it being used as a multiplication game. I knew my class would love it - and oh did we! It was a fun excersise for their minds and bodies and we all had a good chuckle over using the game as a review before our unit test (which they rocked!).


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. The sunsets really have been so beautiful this winter...and I love that take on Twister!

  2. Can I be your student?!

  3. That's so cool about Scott Hamilton!! Wow!! Twister math sounds like so much fun!!

  4. How neat the Scott Hamilton responded to the letter and sent back an autographed photo. :)

  5. I bet your 3rd grader is so excited and how very awesome of Scott to respond! Your classroom is so fun. I love when you pin school stuff, because I repin, as you must know!

  6. Absolutely stunning sky! What a treat it must have been for your student when Scott replied to... wow!

    You are one cool teacher --making maths fun with Twister. =)

  7. We had a sky very similar the other evening - it was nearly striped with pink and blue. I am continually impressed with Scott Hamilton's character - he is, and has always been, a class act.

  8. Stunning sky - you know I'm a sucker for the pink clouds. Have not seen those in quite some time. Beautiful!!!

  9. Beautiful sky...fum twister game and the random is totally awesome, especially for that student. Thanks for hosting T :)

  10. Great things Tamar! Gorgeous sunset, cool Scott and multiplication twister, who knew? hahahaha.

    see email.

  11. Wow...great idea to use the Twister for a math game!

  12. That's really cool that Scott Hamilton wrote back!! I love him so much! I remember going to see Stars on Ice when he was doing a routine to Figaro and did that back flip. So awesome.

  13. Loved the twister... and wonderful shot of sunset!

    Have a great week ahead.

  14. I just love sunsets like that.

  15. Love that sunset! And a reply from Scott Hamilton is so cool! Fun twist on Twister! (yeah, that was pretty corny) :)
