Tuesday, April 15, 2014


One of the "pre-passover" blog/instagram/twitter "things" going around was Exodus-gram. A prompt for each of the 14 days leading up to the chag.

It was interesting to thing about the word and how it connected to the themes behind passover. It was a nice mental build up to the holiday - it's such a mad dash between work, life, cleaning, teaching, and such!

Here's my exodus-gram rundown for the year:
Believe: believing a new season has arrived
Tell: make your mark and tell how you'll impact the world
Enslave: what enslaves you?
Free: Free to swing and play
Prepare: weekend pancakes - one way to prepare for chag
Clean: clean car, inside and out
Bless: feeling blessed to spend 1:1 time with my class
Learn: expanding our minds and learning about factors
Ask: ask me what makes today special: no jacket!
Leave: ready to leave for Pesach break
Count: countdown until wheels up
Redeem: redeeming sister time after a few hectic weeks
Change: time to change over the kitchen, the last prep
Be: Boston Strong - may the victims' memories be for a blessing

As, my last picture shows, today Boston is on my mind. Somehow fitting the 1 year anniversary of the bombing is on the first day of Passover. As we celebrate leaving Egypt for freedom, I look back on the anniversary and see a city that is stronger, better, more united, and more free.

Happy Passover and Boston Strong!


  1. Happy Passover to you Tamar. I loved this post. I love how you love your life.

  2. Happy Passover! I am not Jewish, but this post has helped me to set my eyes on the promises and gifts of God this week as I prepare myself for Easter. I hope you have a blessed time celebrating Passover this week!

  3. I was wondering about exodusgram! Love it and how you interpreted all of the prompts!

  4. Love your interpretations, each so mindful of your holy time. PS I see you flew thru my town on your way to your sister's.

  5. So neat! I love how you gave a visual for each theme! Hope you are having a wonderful Passover!

  6. Your post is fascinating. I like the idea of focusing on these words and preparing for the holiday. And I know your city is being remembered and the people there lifted in prayer today. Boston strong!

  7. I love the idea behind your post - the images and words and thoughts.
    Have a wonderful week and wishing you blessings for Easter.
    I am joining you over at Communal Global.

  8. What a really good idea for a meme. I love what you did.
