Sunday, May 4, 2014

Song-ography: Rise and Shine

Morning has broken...
praise every morning...

God's recreation of the new day.


I am a morning person. I love the newness of the day. The quiet. The chance to see the new sunrise break on the horizon.

There is something rejuvenating about seeing the sun come up. A new scene painted across the skies each day. No two sunrises are the same, just like each day. A new day. A new chance to live.

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. tomorrow, right here!


  1. Hope you have a beautiful day!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  2. Yes - love that first one especially. Have a great day Tamar.

  3. Beautiful Tamar! I used to be a morning person when I was younger. Now I'm a mid-morning person :)

  4. Whoo these are beautiful pictures :)

  5. What a great way to celebrate the morning! Very pretty watercolors - I actually think I like the 2nd...the colors are wonderful!

  6. An all around wonderful post! Such nice colors !

  7. Can you help me be a morning person? I love these shots in Waterlogue! I have to admit that theirs is nothing like a beautiful sunrise, if I could get up to enjoy it!

  8. you are right about the morning, it is the best time of the day. i have been sleeping in lately, the nest is empty and i can, so i do. but i miss watching the sun come up and the stillness of the morning...before all the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

    your watercolors are beautiful and artful, i really enjoyed seeing them!!

  9. Beautiful!! I love the processing on the pics! I hate waking up early but once I'm up, I love the quiet mornings too!

  10. Beautiful colors! I like the first one the best! :)

  11. I just love that first image with that water color effect. It is a stunner.

  12. It's interesting...the older I get, the more I love the solitude and sense of peacefulness of the mornings. I find it is probably my most productive time of the day. Thanks for joining in at Song-ography.

  13. I'm so with you, love the mornings - nothing like being right there at the renewal of a new day, new hopes! Love these in waterlogue!!

  14. Awesome editing here (that Waterlogue look is so cool) and I loved your thoughts on the new day.

  15. Love that first shot, and the edits are so much fun!
