Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Well, I'm very happy to report that I've landed on my feet.

Rather quickly actually. Far faster than I expected or anticipated.

Yes. I have a job lined up for the next school year. The contract is inked. Some colleagues met. The curriculum in my hands.

I have been offered and have accepted a position at another wonderful Jewish Day School. This time, right in my neighborhood. From KSA closing to the offer was just 20 days, I'm so humbled and fortunate for this chance.

I am so grateful to have landed so quickly and in such a great place. I spent a few days there last week for their end of year development and felt so welcomed, so I am super excited for the next chapter and next school year.

Thank you for all your support and well wishes. I'm glad to share good news!

Now...summer time!

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!


  1. Massive congrats!! That's excellent news!

    -Nicky @ Awesomeville.co.uk

  2. Wow! That is excellent news! Congratulations!!

  3. This is good. What a joy and a blessing. So glad for you!

  4. Congratulations! Now you can enjoy your summer :)

  5. Congratulations Tamar, how wonderful to receive an answer to your prayers so soon.

  6. I'm so happy for you but not surprised at all! Can you walk to work now? I'm glad it's been a quick transition for you!

  7. Super news, Tamar! I had no doubts. You are a fine teacher, creative, and with a heart for the children. On to new adventures then!

  8. Congratulations. So happy for you!

  9. Congrats! And best wishes - so happy you found another great fit...and so close to home! No matter where you land, your kids are so so lucky to have you!

  10. Oh happy day....you landed safely with all this good news!!!

  11. I'm very happy to hear your news! No matter which school you teach at, the kids there are blessed to have you as their teacher.

  12. *jumping up and down..*clapping loud
    *whistle....*congratulations on your new job. Much good luck.
    xo bj

  13. I'm so glad that there wasn't a long process of figuring out the next steps. I wasn't really worries though because I can see that you have so much to offer. Any school would be blessed to have you on staff. Maybe some of those same KSA kids will end up over at the new school, eventually???

  14. I'm just so happy for you - and for your new students. I hope you have just as funny of a class as this year, it was so entertaining. And, you need more material to add to that book! :)

  15. A new adventure! Congratulations!!

  16. Congratulations!
    A great big weight of your shoulders so you can have a very Happy Summer! :)

  17. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I knew it would not be long -but I'm just so happy to hear this news.

    LOVE the toes - I have the same color on right now :)

  18. I missed this post! So very happy for you!

  19. love your tevas. and so happy you found a new job so quickly!
