Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hillsboro Hops

Last Thursday night, Avi, Ben, the boys and I went to see the local Single-A baseball team play. It was the boys' first baseball game and such a fun night!
Someone was excited! We saw the Hillsboro Hops play the Tri-City Dirt Devils. The Hops are a Single-A team for the Diamondbacks and the Dirt Devils answer to the Rockies.

We had great seats behind home plate, got to love small stadiums! Such a far cry from the size and scale of Fenway, but such a fun park with great atmosphere.
Oregon takes ballpark food up a notch: veggie corn tacos, kettle corn, and garlic fries with aioli! 
 Ronan LOVED all the music and clapping, so stinking adorable. 
We headed out towards the end of the 7th inning and a fun evening at the park. I grew up near a minor league team and it brought back fun memories from summer nights there.
Noam was getting punch drunk from stimulation/past bedtime/long day of fun and asked me to carry him on my shoulder as we went to the car. He was screaming "Let it Go" at the top of his legs, steeling my glasses, and using my hair like horse reins! A perfect ending to a great evening!

Little by Little

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!


  1. So...your love of baseball began long before the Sox came into your life!! This is wonderful!

  2. How FUN!!! What great shots you captured here Tamar!!! Well done & I love seeing the excitement on their faces.

  3. Those minor league games and fields are so much fun! That food looked so good too!

  4. What joyful photos of family time LT ~ adorable children and great Mommy ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  5. N is becoming such a big guy! He is truly all boy and no baby. R is so cute and I really see him looking like his mom in these!

  6. so fun, and how funny about Noam at the end of the night!

  7. Great way to pass along your love of the game. Fantastic shots of everyone.

  8. great fun!! We have a field across the street where the men's and woman's softball teams of our small town play most weeknights all summer. It is great fun to walk over and watch the games.

  9. Minor league ball is the way to go! Always a great outing.

  10. All the food looks delicious! Although I always love it when baseball stadiums have slightly non-traditional food offerings.
