Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 4th - a day early

The forecast for July 4th, on Friday, was quickly going downhill, so Boston announced they would simply do the Pop's concert and Fireworks on Thursday a day early, in lieu of the usual rehearsal on the 3rd and then concert and firework show on the 4th.
A couple friends and I staked out our spot along the river close enough to hear the concert and with a perfect view of the barge in the Charles. A hot day turned into a lovely evening - perfection.
The concert was good, the Pops played a great set, then Megan Hilty from Broadway sung some songs, and then the Beach Boys came on! I thought they'd sing more songs, but it was fun to hear them live.
As it got darker the excitement for the fireworks built. The show began, and it was immpressive!
Awesome show. The second it was over they announced "thank you for coming, but please evacuate the area strong storms are incoming!" Well, when you're on an island in the Charles River and there are only 2 ways out and there are thousands of people you really can just hope for the best.
As we walked, the wind picked up, we looked out ahead and thought we were seeing firework smoke in the lights. No. We watched a literal wall of rain blow towards us. I've never been so wet. Thankfully one friend suggested throwing some plastic bags into my bag in case it stormed. Well, that saved our phones and my camera! We were soaked through in a matter of minutes - it was quite the experience!
As the rain let up, we skyped in with one friend's dad who works for the weather channel - he has nothing to do with meteorology, but we had fun showing him how pathetically wet we were. I also tweeted Jeremy Reiner, my go to local weather guy, who was 99.9% sure we'd stay dry and said "we were doing SO well...until we got wet!"

Seriously, a 3rd of July that will go down in the memory books!

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!


  1. Haha, well you do both look very cute while wet! Nice fireworks!


  2. Haha oh my! The plastic bags were a good idea! I'm glad you got to see a good fireworks show, and got to have a memorable experience. :-)

  3. maybe your friend's dad knows my brother!
    great firework pics. I didn't get any pics this year, but we had great weather on the 4th!

  4. Looks like a fun (but wet!) day. Love the fireworks shots!

  5. You will always remember this 4th of July (that happened on the 3rd) and how you got soaked! Your photos of the fireworks are stunning. I tried and nothing turned out for me. Good job!

  6. Ha ha! I love how you said that thousands of people could just hope for the best to evacuate. I can imagine the logistical challenge. A little wet just adds to the memory!

  7. Great shots ~ fireworks ~ Boston was smart to reschedule ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

    We had none ~ cept private ones going off over the harbor all weekend nites
