Monday, July 14, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 28

The Good:
I'm in Portland! Ronan turned one yesterday!! But before we celebrated the little guy, we had a great time making fresh raspberry jam. Noam was such a good helper and it just means, I will have to come back in a few months to taste it. 

 The Random:
3.5 is a hoot and a half. While we were at the Japanese Gardens on Friday when I arrived he was posing with the dragon (lion?) and shouting "GO RED SOX" - that's my nephew!!

The Fun:
Last Sunday before I headed out west, I went on a nice hike in a nature preserve about 10 miles outside of town. I needed a dose of nature and this was just what I needed. I climbed a nice rocky outcrop towards the end of the hike and was feeling like I was on top of the world!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. I know you're having such a great time!

  2. So much personality!! 3.5 is a blast!

  3. It all sounds good and fun (and random about the Red Sox..ha ha!).
    That hike looked gorgeous...nothing like getting out and communing with nature! Enjoy your time in Portland!

  4. Are those WHITE raspberries? Awesome!

  5. enjoy your trip! I love hiking. wish I could do it more!

  6. I'm so happy that you get this precious time with your nephews and family. You are a wonderful aunt! What a blessing you are!

  7. Great photos, Tamar. I am so glad you are having fun with your sister and her family. I always love when you share your view point from there. ♥

  8. Oh, I bet that jam will be delicious. Your nephew is so darn cute! Enjoy your family time!

  9. Awwww! Happy birthday babage 3 but I did

  10. I liked age 3 but I did thin the naughty factor was way bigger as

  11. Blogger keeps ejecting me! I'm glad you had a great week.

  12. Pulled up your blog this morning and was pretty sure I commented - but apparently I didn't. It would appear that you and the little fellas are having a wonderful visit. You have to qualify as Auntie-extraordinar - so I'm not surprised at your little mini-me Red Sox fan. :)

  13. Mmmm, raspberry jam! Glad you are able to visit your family! And it looks like you are having a great time! It is hard to believe Ronan is one already!

  14. Looks like a fun and amazing time with your family out west.

  15. Looks like a great time, wonderful pictures :)

  16. How long are you here?'s been HOT
