Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Song-osity: Light Beams

These are the days...
...something will grow and bloom in you....
 ...feel a shaft of light make its way across your face...
These are days you'll remember...

My favorite place in NY has to be the NY Botanical Gardens. I feel so at peace there. It's a true oasis in an Urban Jungle. Spending part of a day there makes time stop. The sun streaming through the leaves, the birds chirping, the leaves rustling.

I still remember the first time I visited those gardens. It became a vacation from real life. To this day it's a place of refuge from the busy pace of life. I place to recharge, find myself, spend time with nature.

The seasons may change, the flowers bloom and leaves change, but that light, that light is an amazingly gorgeous constant in one of my favorite places. I remember each visit to this oasis and hold each memory in a special place!

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!


  1. Hello Tamar, I love the sun rays. I hope you are having a great week.

  2. Tamar, that place Totally looks like it's out in the country somewhere. I would never have guessed it is in the middle of NYC! Beautiful pix! Hope you are enjoying the Holiday week. :) m & jb

  3. Gorgeous! I will have to visit that garden someday!!

  4. Gorgeous reams of light you captured here! Where in NY are these gardens? Are they the botanical gardens that are in the Bronx? Looks like a wonderful place to wander and get lost in. Thanks for joining in at Song-ography.

  5. Beautiful and wonderful pond! Beautiful photos!

  6. You found beautiful light in a beautiful setting. So so pretty.

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE a botanical garden. Life just feels RIGHT in a garden. Beautiful pics!!!

  8. Oh my - what gorgeous captures!!! I see why you love going there.

  9. Very beautiful photos and what a special place for you to find rest and relaxation. Loved the streaming sunlight in your shots.

  10. Splendid light capture. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Gardens really are such a peaceful oasis! Love the sunbeams! Have a good week!

  12. Oh I love these beams of light you captured, so very pretty!

  13. The sun rays, especially in the second photo -- divine. I can see why this is a place of refuge for you!

  14. I have a few favorite places like that too! beautiful!

  15. Great captures of the beautiful sun rays!

  16. Great shot of the beams of light and sunburst is magic


  17. I have been to NY several times but I've never visited the botanical gardens! I have to, next time!

  18. Beautiful shots Tamar, I need to go look for some light beams now :)

  19. Lovely! We have some favorite gardens in Virginia that we find refreshing to visit.

  20. Wonderful scenic shots ~ nature is so beautiful and glad you are delighting in it ~ Happy week to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)
