Monday, October 13, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 41

The Good:
The MFA is a great place on a rainy day. We wondered about the museum for a spell, I hadn't been there in ages and it was great to see some areas I hadn't seen before. The temporary Hollywood Vintage exhibit was stunning!

The Random:
These boys. Seriously, their expressions keep me laughing.

The Fun:
We had a super fun morning at the Children's Museum. Ronan and I climbed into the net and platform climber and had a blast. Noam loved the room with balls and ramps and Ronan just ran around! I hadn't been there since I was a kid, we had tons of fun!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. What a FUN place!!!!! Looks like such a great time & I'm so happy to see you are getting some time with them.

  2. I think children's museums everywhere are such great fun --for the young and the young-at-heart!

  3. Omgosh..that Hollywood exhibit looks like FUN!

  4. Cute faces. And I like that reflection.

  5. Their expressions are a hoot!

  6. your little nephew is soooo cute!!! love him!!

  7. I can't believe how big they are both getting...and so adorable!

  8. I'll add you to my random fun possibilities for Mondays!

  9. when I was a kid we went to the Boston Children's Museum and I still remember that climbing thing!

  10. What a grand time. Those boys are adorable and I can see you love them to pieces. I'd enjoyed the museums myself and I know Coleen would as well.

  11. Looks like another great week! I love children's museums! So many fun things to explore and grown ups can act like kids again and not get weird looks. Maybe. :)

  12. Oh.those.faces. Such cuties!! Glad you've had such a wonderful visit!

  13. You have gotta be up for Best Auntie of the Year award - you have the best time with these guys. Fun pictures - love the facial expressions.

  14. They are so adorable! I love going to children's museums! That MFA exhibit looks incredible!

  15. The exhibition looks great fun :) aww sweet pictures of your boys ...

  16. Looks like you had a super fun week with your nephews. Love it!
