Thursday, November 27, 2014

On being thankful

This year.

This year, I can honestly say I have what to thankful for.

I'm thankful for good health, people who care about me, and happy endings.

This week, more than any, I can honestly say that I am beyond grateful for what I have.

Yet, there is no big dinner planned for. No big celebration.

The only celebration I need right now is happening now. My mom and me being able to sit on the couch together, watching the parade, and getting some delicious Indian food to enjoy later.

That, right now, is more than enough to be grateful for and happy with.

This season, but really this week, has taught me to be grateful for the little crucial details.

Hug those you love, give thanks to those that take care of you and yours, and enjoy the small details.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Little by Little
And! Come link up and join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!


  1. Here's to another year full of blessings too numerous to actually count!!

  2. So glad you are so happy and content. I accompanied my daughter to a biopsy of her thyroid yesterday and the little nodule is benign. Thankful, for sure.

  3. I love almost you give life to these cakes, excellent photo!

  4. Wonderful post and great cupcake shot!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you
    artmusedog and carol

  5. Counting my blessings with you and thanking God for each one! Happy Thanksgiving...

  6. Through my time of thought & reflection this year, I too, have found it's the little things. It isn't about how much & how many - but who you're with and how you spend that time together.
    Happy Thanksgiving - I'm thankful to have "met" you through this cyber world!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, T. Always, every day, every moment, there is something to be thankful for --little blessings everywhere, if we only know to look.

  8. sounds like your mom is doing well - glad to hear it.

  9. Beautifully said! Sounds like you had a wonderful, gratitude filled day. :)

  10. You always stay positive. You are an inspiration!
