Monday, November 3, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 44

The Good:
Keeping water bottles from being a distraction/accident waiting to happen on our work tables has always been an issue. They either spill them, play with them, or destroy them (human crushers!). I was at my wits end when I saw this great idea posted on another teaching site: a water bottle parking lot! It's genius. The kids put the bottles in this bin each day, they can come drink as they wish (a nice brain break) and no more spills or distractions!

The Random:
Anyone else's facebook give them creepily strange adds like this. My sister and I both got this on Friday morning in our newsfeeds. We both grew up in Linwood NJ...proud of my little hometown, would never in a million years where that shirt! Besides, if we're getting technical, I was born in Somer Point!

The Fun:
How fun was it to open my mailbox the other day and see this lovely postcard all the way from Thailand - thanks Kim!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Yep...those FB ads are funny! I get them with 1973. It was a fine year, but I don't particularly want to advertise my age. :)

  2. Getting real that would make my day!

  3. J and Z's school does this for their Y1 kids (i.e., have the kids park their water bottles in a bin when they get to class each morning), but Y2 onwards, the water bottles are kept in their own cubbies just outside the classroom, where their school bags are also stored.

  4. It is rather off-putting when the reality that complete strangers from who-knows-where know little details of your life. Kinda of - we know where you grew-up and we know where you live now (creepy -- and stalkish).
    Great idea on the water station and lucky you - a piece of mail that neither wants you to pay money or give them your vote.

  5. Love your week - what a great post card. Gifts from bloggy friends are so much fun. Love & hugs my friend!

  6. I've been getting some political ads that I have no idea where they come from. It is kind of creepy that someone can find you on Facebook and post something you are not interested in in the least.

  7. FB is creeping me out in general lately. That is just bizarre. Love the postcard! Happy mail!

  8. I do get a little creeped out by the FB ads but I realize there's not much I can do about it. I think it ruins some surprises for my daughter though if I've been searching for something she wants and then it pops up in FB on her feed since we share the same laptop. I love the idea of the water bottle parking lot! Genius! What a pretty postcard. I love real mail!! Especially air mail!! :)

  9. Well Tamar, I love the water bottle parking lot idea too. Yes, those little people need that brain break, as you called it and what better way than to get a drink of water. It's sort of a kid version of meeting at the water cooler. Start em' early! It really is great.
    As for crazy ads, all my hubby gets are ads for Viagra. Are they trying to tell us something? Crazy for sure. I hope you are having a great week.

  10. Great idea fro the water bottle parking lot. LOL! I can imagine how distracting all those water bottles would be. Also super fun to get post cards from around the world. Yay you!

  11. It's definitely kind of creepy the way facebook ads works. I know I'll go to a website on my phone, and the next day on my computer facebook with have an ad trying to get me to buy the thing I was looking at. I understand why and how they're able to do it... still it just feels a little stalker-ish!
