Monday, January 9, 2017

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 2

The Good:
It can be hard to go back to work after a nice break, but it's always good to be back into routine. The kids did great getting back into the learning!

The Random:
We all know Costco can be a touch eager with seasonal displays. Down with Christmas up with summer?

The Fun:
I finally hit the slopes! I was in my happy place all day yesterday!


    An InLinkz Link-up

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  1. Ha...we'll have bathing suits in stores shortly. Of course, it's supposed to be in the 70's by Thursday. Lol

  2. The younger grandchildren were eager to get back to school, the older ones not so much.
    The Random...I saw the same display at Costco Saturday.
    The Fun...I took my 6 year old granddaughter ski Saturday.

  3. Gotta love Costco for their enthusiasm :)

  4. Last week was rough getting back to it all but hopefully the routine is back!! Loved your ski pics!

  5. Glad to see your student enjoying school work again after the break! Costco knows what we are all dreaming about now ;) Nice to see you hit the slopes and had fun!

  6. I haven't ever been skiing, but Josh was just talking about taking a trip with the kids in the next few years. The snow looks beautiful, but I think I might watch from the fire. ;)

  7. Target did the Valentine's thing, but I definitely saw the goggles at Costco!

  8. Yes, still sneaking in a lunch on Tue with my oldest grands before going back to school the next day:) Hope you and your class will get used to school soon:) Have a great week!

  9. I love routine! It's the only thing that leaves me room to do the things I really like to do...all the things I have to do get done because I have a routine. I don't have to waste time looking for my keys because my routine is to leave them in the same place every time...
    I think the "summer" things are out for those who go on vacations to warm places. I wish I was one of them.

  10. That's great that you got to spend a day skiing! I'm sure the kids were glad to see you again, even though it's hard to get back in the routine of school.

  11. Summer?! The stores here are doing Valentine Day.

  12. It is nice to be back in a routine. Glad you got a ski day in. We are heading back to the slopes in a couple weeks and can't wait because it's finally been a crazy good year for snow.
