Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Field Trip!

On the Magic School Bus...
Step inside -- it's a wilder ride! 
Come on -- ride on the Magic School Bus!

We had our trip to Drumlin Farm yesterday for the Native Pathways program. We spent the day in nature learning how the Native Americans lived off the land thousands of years ago.

We were faced with a very rainy day, but that didn't dampen our spirits and we had a blast! The kids did great in the rain and showed the educators how much they had already learned in class.

They loved all the activities we did and were so happy as we got back to school!

I loved watching them out in the woods. They suddenly seemed older, so grown up and practically fourth graders! For sure it was a special day out with the end of the year fast approaching!

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  1. ...my grandkids always enjoyed learning about the many Native groups that lived in this area. Pretty colorful kids!

  2. I love field trips. I did something similar with both of my girls at a local nature center! Fun!

  3. Fun! We love the Magic School Bus too.

  4. Sounds like a fun field trip, despite the rain. :)

    I love that first shot --so colorful!

  5. I love the colours in conTRAST With the mud...

  6. Well this is fantastic! It's great to be out of doors...great adventure here!

  7. Ah Field Trips....those were always fun. Love the bright colors the kids are wearing and the yellow boots. - We saw some kids on Tuesday heading on a field trip - Lots of Umbrella's because you guessed it, it was raining!

  8. What a great trip, looks like so much fun :)
