Thursday, June 29, 2017

Little Things: Win Dance Repeat

Summer means one thing...
...time for the Red Sox!! 

Fish and I went to a game Monday night. Perfect weather. Great seat. AMAZING game. 

The pitcher was on fire. The bats were making balls go flying. Some amazing plays. 

All ended with a win, dance, repeat! 

Go Sox!


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  1. Two of my fave quotes ever...

    "There's no crying in baseball!"


    "The hard is what makes it great!"

    That is all.


  2. Yay baseball! Love it. I heard the Royals beat the Red Sox recently!

  3. I love the details of the park - I could see them as posters.

  4. Fenway is the place. Beautiful photos. I have been outside of it but never in it. Want to trade the Oakland Coliseum for Fenway??? JK.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great shots of the game! My son-in-law went to college in Boston and named his dog Fenway :). Happy summer!

  6. You got some great shots at the park! Love that sky one!

  7. Nice photos of Fenway Park! I've sat in that big green wall area in the outfield on a school trip with my daughter's class years ago.

  8. While Boston isn't my home this is making me home sick because it is my second home . This is where we would be this summer if we weren't in Germany. My son will be there on the 13th. He is going to keep an eye on Grandpa.

  9. Sorry to be late commenting. You've got some great shots here of the baseball field & game. It's so neat that you enjoy this sport so much. I'm more a football fan but I think attending a sporting event is always a fun time.
