Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Movin' On Up

Well we're movin on up, to the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.

{The Jefferson Lyrics}
Well. It's crazy to say, but I am moving for the first time in 7 years. 

Yup. I am about 6 weeks out from marking seven years in Boston and in all that time have lived in place. 

But that is changing.

Time for a new home. I've found an amazing apartment. With many new bits I've never had in seven years. While moving may not be fun and it is hard to leave the little home I've had for 7 years, a new chapter is unfolding and it should be awesome once the boxes are unpacked!

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  1. Oh wow, exciting times Tamar. Good luck with the move :)

  2. ...moving is such a pain, good luck!

  3. Can't wait to see peeks of your new place!! A pain, I'm sure, but also, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  4. I have that song in my head now! I'm so excited for you in your new place!! I hope you'll share some photos as you make it your own. I know it takes time!

  5. Good luck and congrats on the new place!

  6. Actually, moving can be so exciting. New adventures and promise await!
    Just remember life with your legs. :-)
    Can't wait to see some new home photos...once you're settled in.

    Carol from WA

  7. Good luck, I hate moving and have been in the same place for about 15 years. I dread having to move, especially knowing that rental prices in this small town are all outrageous. Good luck on your adventure and new home, you strike me as a very industrious and organized person. I'm sure things will be settled and homey in no time.

  8. I actually miss moving...we moved so often for so many years (about every 15 months) and now we've been in this house for 7 years!

    Happy unpacking and settling in...

  9. Can't wait to follow along on your new adventures.

  10. All the best to you! We are moving next week and have towers of boxes in every room. And I couldn't find a bowl to cook my oatmeal this morning. Fun, fun!
