Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Summer in the City

Wooh! There's nothing like summer in the city...
Someone in a rush...in the greatest city in the world...

{Schuyler Sisters -- Hamilton}

I had a 2 day training in Brooklyn last week and stayed with mom in White Plains which meant I got to commute in and out of the city for two days.

That commuter life is no joke! It wasn't that bad of a commute in truth. Express train into the city and then a quick subway ride over to Brooklyn. But it was crazy to realize I was hopping on a train in one "world" and really emerging in another.

Both afternoons I walked back into Manhattan over the Brooklyn Bridge. Such a great walk, albeit a bit crowded with tourists. It was fun to feel like I was in the city as a professional not a tourist and just go from point A to B.

While I am in no means a New Yorker nor do I have the desire to be one, it's nice to know I can crush that city life commute!

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  1. ...I just saw last night a PBS show about the Brooklyn Bridge. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/07/hhhhiiiiiiiisssssssss.html!

  3. That gives you a lot of confidence I'm sure! I love that walk too but it is crazy busy with people, bikes and even a wedding shoot or two (at least when we were there). Now that song is stuck in my head but I don't mind!

  4. All great shots. Love seeing the city trough your lens.

  5. I have never walked over the Brooklyn Bridge. It must have been hot!

  6. The images are really good. I especially like the 2nd one. The edit really adds to it.

  7. I lived in Brooklyn most of my life! I'll never lose my accent ;)

  8. Such beautiful shots Tamar, I want to visit! Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday blog hop.

  9. I'm sorry, but I prefer summer by the sea... :-) Good captures. The one in the tube is my favourite.

  10. Great aspects captured in the city! So interesting views; my favourite, the first one! A lovely Sunday and new week ahead!
