Thursday, December 14, 2017

'Tis the Season

I just adore the December holiday season. The lights. The sparkle. The joy.
It is truly beautiful and special. Even though I don't celebrate Christmas I find so much joy in this season and wish the lights and sparkle could last a bit longer into the new upcoming year!


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  1. I love the holiday season! Everything is so festive with all the lights and the greetings.

  2. Lovely photos! You already know that I love the holiday stuff too!
    I have had some email problems so don;t know if you saw my message. I just wanted to tell you that I made your cream of carrot soup for dinner. It was delicious! Mine was a little paler than yours because I used coconut milk (no idea if I get rice milk here) but it tasted so good!Thanks for sharing the recipe,

  3. Such pretty festive photos! I love all the holiday decorations, too. I just said to my husband last night that I love having a lit up tree in my living room. It is so soothing and calming. And why don't we have it there all year round. There's nothing better than some peaceful nature right in your most relaxing space. I think I may change the Christmas decorations at the end of the holidays to something more neutral and leave the tree up until summer!


  4. ...ah, tis the season of lights!

  5. I too love all the pretty decorations and lights at this time of year!

  6. I love all the decorations too. I got your card the other day & it truly warmed my heart & made my whole day - Thank you!

  7. Beautiful images. Many people leave their trees up until after the 1st of the year. Here in SW Louisiana, some transform it from Christmas to Mardi Gras (which is what I'll be doing again this year) and that tree stays up until Ash Wednesday. I do have a few friends that don't want the hassle of taking down the tree so they update the decorations to match the seasons.

  8. Happy Chanukah. Beautiful pics. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Oooh -- sparkly holiday decorations! These photos make me smile :)
