Monday, May 31, 2021

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 22

The Good:
I had the best dairy-free cheesecake ever. By The Way Bakery scores again!

The Random:
Don't all fire hydrants have eyes?

The Fun:
We had our annual Color War at the end of the week. Two days of sun, fun, and games! 

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the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!


  1. Mine is the best cheesecake ever - but this one looks pretty good too ;-)

  2. ...a color war beats the wars that we have!

  3. Now that you mention it, fire hydrants should have Eyes!

  4. Having color war at school is fun. Love the fire hydrant!

  5. Love the fire hydrant! Thanks for hosting, have a great week ahead...

  6. Aw, fun post, Tamar! Many of the fire hydrants way up here in northern NY look like wild turkeys! I get tricked by them all the time when I slow down and point and tell the kids to look...and then I realize it's just another fire hydrant!


  7. A friend of my mom painted all the fire hydrants in the little town where I grew up. They all had eyes! :) Thanks for bringing back great memories!

  8. That is such a great fire hydrant. Very nice.

  9. Your outdoor day of fun looks like it had PERFECT weather! I sure remember some field days in school where we jumped through puddles!!

  10. That cheesecake looks yummy but can't imagine a non-dairy one. Color wars sound fun.
