Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Chanukah Recap 2022

Another Chanukah has come and gone. It was filled with latkas, donuts, celebrations at school and in the community, and lots of light. I always love watching the glow grow as each night passes by. The warmth really does will you with joy and pride.
As a Jew, the world is a bit scary right now, but something about the message of Chanukah was comforting this year. There is always light in the darkness. There is always a miracle waiting to happen. There is always a cause worth fighting for.

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  1. ...never let your light go out.

  2. Beautiful photos of hope and faith and love.

  3. Beautiful pictures!! I love how you capture light!

  4. I think the world is a bit scary for all of us right now. I love the tradition of the candles. Take care, all the very best for 2023, and thankyou again for the link up.

  5. Beautiful post, my friend. The world is a very scary place indeed these days. Your menorah photos are really gorgeous!


  6. Such a beautiful and hopeful post. Very nice.
