Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We zoo'd too!

Noam loves the zoo and we took advantage of another awesome spring day during Pesach to head over to see the animals. Noam was possibly the most excited to have to take a school bus from the satellite parking site to the zoo - so the visit started off well! 
We saw some turtles, which Noam high-finned.
One major highlight (after the bus ride) was seeing the baby river otter! She is 55 days old and was just so adorable!
Can't get this guy off the tractors! 
The flamingoes are new to the zoo, so it was exciting to get to see them basking in the sun!
Noam was just loving being in the zoo, he was either being a monkey, super pensive, or a toddler! He walked 90% of the time there. 
I was excited to see "baby Lily" - who Noam and I saw the last time I was here. She still looks so small, but she's 600 lbs now! Noam saw her "daddy" and got so excited to see her, but then we found the real Lily inside with her mom.
The lions were eating lunch (I kid you not), so we visited with the lion statues. Noam shared his snacks snacks and tickled their bellies, beyond cute!
Then we found the all time favorite, the cheetah cats! Noam was trying to pet her through the glass (thank goodness for the glass)!

Another super fun visit to the zoo! The animals were really out today (we also saw sea lions, polar bears, and monkeys. Of course, as we left we asked Noam what the best part was and he responded "school bus!" Another day of memories!


  1. Aww, what a rich and fun experience for Noam! :)

  2. we love the zoo. Zachary used to wear a hat like Noam is wearing here - made me smile!

  3. This zoo seems really nice. I love the baby giraffe! So sweet.

  4. Oh I love to go to the Zoo with children. They are so curious and fearless and the amazed looks they get are priceless.

  5. Awww! I can tell Naom had fun and you did too! My favorites are of Naom on the John Deere -- boys love John Deere!) and the one of him running, feet off the ground. What a little bundle of life he is!

  6. He's just too cute. We took our grandson to a little nature center over Easter...i love the excitement in their eyes!

  7. I can't agree more...there is nothing like taking a toddler boy to the zoo...they are just little monkeys..very cute.

  8. I love Zoo just as much as my kiddos - but sometimes I feel a little sad that the animals are trapped there and not enjoying life where they are supposed to be instead.

  9. Terrific zoo photos and you have such a cute subject to photograph enjoying life!
