Thursday, May 9, 2013

What a difference...

On Tuesday we had the warmest temps in months, months! It was so nice to take my photography club outside to photograph the new flowers and buds.
To think that this was the tree outside one of the school doors a month ago... 
And this week - look at those colorful blooms!
I have just been loving the colors and sites of this spring.
I don't know if it was the long winter or the events of the past few weeks, but this year, spring feels like a wonderful, wonderful gift!


  1. Spring has been rather nice I think. So many spring days! I have been loving it! Beautiful pictures.

  2. Enjoy the colors!

  3. I so agree my friend. The news just keeps getting worse -- good to tune out the bad and go outside! xo

  4. Spring is finally here too, love to see some color around!

  5. There is something about blooms and flowers to make one smile! Happy Spring, Tamar!

  6. I've been waiting for spring since November-I totally hear you. Think of the gift of noticing you are offering your club, just in that. Yay, spring.

  7. Lovely macro shots of beautiful signs of Spring ~ Enjoy!

    Thanks for visiting ^_^

  8. I absolutely love your photography!!

  9. Ah warmth! It's finally here, I think. These are fun shots, and I just love that you continue to invest in the children by gifting them with photography skills. Would love a feature of what they capture.

  10. So gorgeous- I'm so happy to hear that you had some comfortable & enjoyable weather.

  11. What pretty little buds! I'm sure it was fun to be out taking pictures of all the new blooms!

  12. Beautiful blooms Tamar! So glad you were able to get out and enjoy the warmth!!

  13. I agree - I have been loving the burst of color and the trees filling in ... can't ever remember appreciating a spring this much!

  14. that's cool that you have a photography club! :)

  15. Oh Tamar, I am so glad you can begin to feel the benefits of springtime and break away from the sadness and dreariness that has been near you. Thank you for YOUR kind words to me.

  16. Hooray! I LOVE the colors of spring. It is so much fun to look around and find new colors of blooms everywhere.

  17. I totally agree, Spring seems to have some extra pizazz this year (haha, I think that is the first time I've ever actually used the word pizazz in a sentence)

  18. I adore Spring...the freshness of everything (as here in Texas things will quickly look very weathered), the pretty greens, and all the colors. So glad spring has finally sprung in your neck of the world, you sure do deserve some renewal! Beautiful shots!!

  19. Yay for warmth and nature coming to life! :-)

  20. Of course you have a photography club! I'm so jealous! You need to come to Greenville. Your photos are fabulous. :)
