Monday, July 29, 2013

P52: Week 30 around the sun

One week plus in Oregon, enjoying time with the new addition. Yesterday we had his brit milah and he now has a name to share with the world: Ronan Arthur O'Glasser! It suites him so well and nothing beats Noam saying "hi baby Ronan!" - seriously, melt. my. heart.

Noam suddenly seems so big, too. We took him to the farmer's market this week and shoe shopping and he just suddenly is a little boy. He's a down right hoot and a half too and is insisting we still refer to him as little!

This week, mom and I took a short get-a-way to the southern part of the state. We spent a day and a half in Ashland and then on the way back to Portland swung up to Crater Lake. Ah-mazing. (full post on that sometime this week!).

Other than that, just enjoying the newborn and family time. He's learning to put up with Auntie Mar and her massive camera. He may or may not have given me the finger during a little shoot on Friday...

Highlight of the week: so many to choose from...but seeing Noam and Ronan bond, so sweet! (Crater Lake is a super close second!)

Teaching teaching moment: I taught Noam to say the word "macerate" - ever hear a two and a half year old say that? Hilarious.

Random-osity: If you ask Noam what a rabbit says, he responds "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!!!" - Toddlers, they define random!
Also! I'm working on growing the blog's facebook page - won't you please join me over there as well? I post a sampling of the random things around me and would love to connect there (here) too!

Also, I feel super lame, I never (yes, never) used Google Reader, but know many of you did. So sorry for your loss! I am on bloglovin' here!

 The Details
* Post 1 photo or as many as you like each week on Mondays.
* The button or text link should be present in your post- but not absolutely necessary.
* Please visit some other blogs & leave some love & encouragement.
* Submit the URL of your blog post - not your home page.

Can’t wait to see all your photos each week as we venture through 2013!
Project 52
Kleinworth & Co.,Project 52, photo sharing, weekly Monday blog link up


  1. Lake Crater what a stunner...a girl could pass out...your nephew oh so sweet.

  2. Yeah seriously that crater is amazing!

    Love seeing the little guys! What sweeties they are. I know you are drinking up every moment. Noam and Ronan are going to be the best of buddies soon!

  3. He's so cute (they both are!) Glad you are having a nice trip! I'm following you on fb and bloglovin. Check me out there too please!!

  4. Such fun you are having- isn't Crater Lake amazing??!!! Love that you are so close at the moment.

  5. I can't wait to see all your Crater Lake pics - there was so much smoke up there the day we went, it was very different from the last time I was there. Still amazing, but different. We're back in lazy day mode after a weekend of driving and playing in Grants Pass...I'm ready for a few days of nothing!

  6. Oh goodness. The lake and the baby. Just beautiful!

  7. PEACHES! Just returned from Jersey and stopped at a roadside stand to pick up a bunch of delicious Jersey peaches to enjoy! yum!

  8. I love that name Ronan -- and Noam is looking more grown up these days. :)

  9. Sounds like a fun week! Crater lake looks amazing! Congrats on the new nephew!

  10. Ronan is a good name, such a sweetie! :-)

  11. Such great shots of Crater Lake. We used to camp there as a kid but it's been a long time since I've been back. I must take the boys someday soon. So glad you got to travel out west and see your new nephew as well.
