Thursday, June 28, 2018

Urban Garden

One of my best memories of growing up in a small suburban area was the gardening we did each summer. Mom and I would go to the local garden center in May, buy lots of annuals and perennials and get to work making our yard pretty for the summer. 

Now, city living can put a damper on that, but now with a porch at my new apartment, I decided an urban garden was in order!
It makes me smile to glance outside and see these bursts of color. 8 stories up above the ground and I have my own little lush oasis!


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  1. ...a lovely color explosion!

  2. I love it. I think having other living things there in your space really does wonders for the mood.

  3. So pretty! Flowers do so much to improve my mood and add color to an outdoor space. I love planing annuals each year too.

  4. Tamar, it is so beautiful! I am sure it brings you many smiles to gaze out at your urban garden everyday. And what a lovely tribute to your childhood gardening memories.


  5. I like your urban garden. I think that's a great way of utilizing your outdoor space.

  6. You have packed a lot of beautiful colors into that small space! I love it!

  7. You've created a little nest. I know what you mean, I love a flower garden. There is no color around our new home and the first thing I did was get some flower pots, I spread them around but I like your combining them for a big impact. LeeAnna

  8. OOOH your porch and your flowers are so pretty!

  9. Beautiful! If I lived in the city, I would have to have flowers somewhere during the summer!

  10. You have such beautiful flowers! Mine always look like they're dying as I never remember to actually water them...

  11. I'd say you have done a great job of adapting.

  12. I love watching plants grow! Even a few flowers adds so much beauty to our lives

  13. So very beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
