Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Weave Me the Sunshine

They say that the tree of loving
Shine on me again
They say it grows on the bank of the river...

Weave, weave, weave me the sunshine out of the falling rain
Weave me the hope of a new tomorrow, fill my cup again...

{Weave Me the Sunshine -- Peter, Paul, and Mary}

My favorite part of the Riverway art installation this year was this amazing woven bands bound around a grove of trees. 

The colors contrasting to the lush greenery of the Riverway. 
The trees all connected by this colorful scarf. 
A woven web of color in a lush landscape. 


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  1. ...Peter, Paul and Mary, I grew up on their music. What colorful art. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. How pretty and colorful! My town doesn't do a lot of random art. I wish they did. It's so beautiful and puts a smile on your face! =)

    Have a great day! Melanie | Toots + Dill Blog

  3. I bet that is a stunning display to see in person!
