Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Eat the Rainbow

Red, orange, yellow, green...
The tastiest colors I've ever seen...

{Eat Like A Rainbow -- Jay Mankita}

Eating healthy foods has already been fun for me. 
Once I started matching what I eat to Pantone swatches it became that much more fun! 
Eating the rainbow is trendy! 

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  1. ...colors can be amazing, the shades are endless. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I have four of these things in the fridge yet I just ate a chocolate chip ice cream cone. Love the Pantone swatches, makes me feel like I'm in art class.

  3. HOw could we resist such a array of colours! Have a great week!

  4. WednesdayAroundTheWorld - it’s always a pleasure.

  5. You have made me hungry and also want to paint my house! Fun post!

  6. These look great! I am sure you had great fun putting them together.

  7. Love the concept of taking a picture of the colors you eat! Very creative and healthy too! :)
