Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim! 
Today's the day to nosh on hamantashen, read the megillah, and celebrate Haman's defeat. 
This year's Purim feels heavier. The rise in antisemitism we are seeing echoes Haman's plot to destroy the Jews, a plot to overpower and conquer the few, the innocent. 
It took the brave, righteous Esther to stand up for what she knew was right. Just like then, we need brave, righteous people to stand up against the rising hate in our world. Staying silent isn't an option!

Chag Purim Sameach! A happy Purim to all!

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  1. ...the world would be a disaster without strong women like Esther.

  2. Echoing Dara, well said. Happy Purim!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The rise in antisemitism is a cause for dismay and concern, but the most troubling aspect of all is that it has become acceptable to voice such hatred publicly, to revive old tropes and stereotypes, and it comes from the highest levels of government, and hatred is fuelled by the Christian religious right. These are troubling times. How long is it going to be before someone accuses George Soros of starting the war in Ukraine - or has someone already done that?
