Thursday, March 2, 2023

Snow Day...Finally!

Well, it took until February 28th, but we finally got legitimate snow here in the NYC area!! We woke up to close to 7 inches of gorgeous (albeit wet and heavy) snow and our planned delay turned into an actual snow day. I really thought we'd go the whole year without a storm or snow day, but phew, we got one.
My new neighborhood is so pretty in the snow. I took a walk around while the last flakes were falling and before it turned to some sleety rain. I even made a little snowman on my porch...his name is Walter. We may get another storm this weekend so either Mother Nature is majorly confused or the Groundhog was right...? 

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  1. Snow is so beautiful, your pictures are beautiful too! We didn't have a lot of snow this winter, only a little bit for an few hours.

  2. ...this is more snow than we ever got at one time. Things are fickle this year.

  3. I think climate change...we also didn't have any snow this year. Gabbie's school had two snow days that were probably not needed, as the boys did have school on both of those days!

  4. We didn't have snow this year. :( So thanks for sharing your beautiful snowy day!

  5. great lighting and framing on the snow pics. We have had more snow this year but it was so consistently hot last winter, and little snow, in Colorado! that we have been told this year's snow isn't enough and we're on water restrictions.
    like Tom said once, good thing there's no "climate change" or it would be worse

  6. Your new neighborhood is beautiful. It's good to see snow. We don't get much in Honolulu. Have a good week

  7. What an incredible snow scene!

  8. I especially love your pictures of the snow on the evergreens -- so pretty!

  9. How pretty your neighborhood looks. Out here is So Cal, we are marveling at how low the snow level is on our nearby mountains. It's not a sight we've seen in many, many years.


  10. Your neighborhood is beautiful. That is my favorite time to walk around when we get snow. We've barely gotten any this year. It's a bummer but now I want spring!! I love Walter!

  11. Your snow pics are STUNNING, and your neighborhood is lovely!
