Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 17

The Good:
We saw &Juliet yesterday! The show was AMAZING and easily made its way into my top 10 shows that I have ever seen! We hung by the stage door and met most of the cast, too!

The Random:
I'm not sure which is longer...the car or the ladder?

The Fun:
I ran into one of my favorite Peloton instructors, Jess Sims, "in the wild" on Thursday! She was so sweet and chatted with me for a few minutes!

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  1. It sounds like you had a very fun weekend, Tamar!

  2. ...the ladder has the potential to be longer.

  3. Glad to hear that was a good show! I'll watch for it if it comes to my hometown (in a smaller version, of course).

  4. Never heard of the show. Thank you for the info! Have a safe beautiful week Aloha!

  5. All in all seem like you're having a great time,
    Thanks for hosting, Tamar, and having me over, and sharing with your readers.
    My entries are numbered #27+28.
    Please join SSPS: M-S

  6. IIt's so fun &Julliet! I was surprised at how much I liked it....

  7. I've not heard of that show but glad you liked it so much and fun to go with the whole crew.
