Thursday, June 20, 2024

MET: Sleeping Beauties

Now on view at the The MET is an exhibition featuring around 220 stunning garments and accessories spanning four centuries, all curated around the themes of nature, which also serves as a metaphor for the transience of fashion. The exhibit is truly a delight for the fashion lovers with hats, ball gowns, and haute couture works of art that double as dresses!
This was one of my favorite exhibits at the MET in a long time! Each dress was more insanely impressive than the one before. I lucked out getting into the exhibit the moment it opened for the day and truly had the maze of fashion to myself to really take in each detail. Was I thinking wedding dress inspiration the whole time....? Totally!

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  1. WOW,so lovely! Thanks for the linking opportunity, can't wait to see what you share next! Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  2. Amazing, never seen the like.
    Thanks, Tamar, for hosting and having me over weekly.
    My entries this week are numbered #23+24.
    Please join and share your posts with us

  3. I love the yellow and the red dress. They would fit in very well here in Hawaii. Enjoy your engagement, Aloha!

  4. What a perfect exhibit to experience before wedding dress shopping! You were lucky to get in before it was too crowded or busy! Love it!

  5. Wow, all of those are so very beautiful. What a cool exhibit to see. Very nice.
