Tuesday, June 11, 2024

That's a Wrap!

Today is the last day of the school year! It is also the end of my time at WDS. 
Early in the school year, I made the decision to move onto a new chapter and today marks the end of this chapter in my educator journey. The last 4 years have been a whirlwind on a professional and global scale and I am leaving having learned a lot and made friends for life! It was fun to look through photos from the last 4 years and see how my time at the school unfolded. From starting in the height of COVID when no one was vaccinated and we truly were making it up as we went along, to now where it feels much more normal. Being at WDS through the war in Israel has helped rekindle my love for my ancestral homeland and working with so many Israelis has helped my Hebrew get strong again, too! 
I've experienced professional and personal highs and challenges in the last four years, but done so among colleagues who are now friends and on a campus that is almost too beautiful for words! But, it is time to move one to new adventures. Administration was not for the faint of heart. My skin has toughened, I've learned a lot, and I am excited to try combining my passion for academics and working with teachers into an entrepreneurial endeavor!   
I have launched a tutoring and teacher coaching business! I am excited to have the opportunity to work 1 on 1 with students and help them overcome any academic challenges they may be facing. I am working on building my "brand" and am so excited to be my own boss! 

You can check out my business here and follow along on IG here where I will be sharing educational tips for parents and educators! If you know anyone looking for support for their child or a teacher looking for a coach, send them my way!

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the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!


  1. This sounds like an exciting new chapter! Such a fun look back on your 4 years and that poem they made for you is so sweet.

  2. Happy summer to you! :)

    PS. the linky code for this week??? ;)

  3. Yay! Summer holidays! enjoy! and congratulations and all the best for the new chapters in your life. Have a fabulous week and thankyou again for the WATW linkup.

  4. I am SO EXCITED for you and this new adventure. You are going to do an absolutely amazing job!! - Bekah

  5. Well done, I'm sure it was lots of hard work, good to see so many happy faces.

  6. Best wishes for your new endeavor! Nice space atop the museum too. Aloha

  7. This is so exciting and a perfect fit for you! Congratulations!!
