Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th

Happy birthday, America. 
A bittersweet and conflicting day for many again this year.
Too many have taken our liberties and freedoms for granted. 
Our democracy is as fragile as it's ever been. 
Many are questioning what we are actually celebrating this year. 
I have the right to speak out about my concerns. 
I have the right to vote and engage others in righting some scary wrongs.
I'm hopeful that many will come to their senses and realize we have to secure our union for the sake of many. 
Freedom and democracy aren't something we can get comfortable with.
Register to vote.
Canvas or write postcards. 
Do your part.
Our rights depend on it.

Happy birthday, America. 
Here's to a land of the free, for all, in the near future.

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the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!


  1. Happy Independence Day, Greetings from India

  2. ...these are perilous times.

  3. Yes. I appreciate your positive steps of things we can still do. May we exercise those rights to ensure they remain. These are strange times.

  4. hope you won't go down the same disastrous path as we are taking in France

  5. Thanks, Tamar, for hosting and having me over weekly. Happy July 4th
    My entries this week are numbered #22+23.
    Please join and share your posts with us

  6. Very nicely said. Thanks for hosting.
