Thursday, January 23, 2014

January Randoms v.2

'grammed homework...ironing...who irons sheets
new co2...banana mango "cream"...puffy vest selfie
stuck work journals...random friends
training fuel...tu b'shevat treats...over run timer
minion...roasted peppers...messed up netflix
surprise snow...orchestra...ikea
sunday breakfast...sunday sunrise...ikea spoils
red sky at morning...small words big ideas...snow day start
cross stitch planning...falling snow...cake success
Little by Little


  1. Lovely, I especially like that falling snow shot in the last set!

    -Nicky @

  2. Good shots! I remember my mom ironing sheets... always... and it was my responsibility to iron the towels.... with my little girl ironing board and toy iron. Can you imagine giving this to a kid now??? practice your ironing....

  3. No sheet ironing over the minion (I finally found my Gumby and Pokey - I left them outside this fall and since the vine has now turned brown with the last frost I see them peeking through). As always a great Tamar adventure!

  4. Laughing over the Klingon text. Oh the convos you have! Looks like a great time happening your way! Wishing you the best birthday tomorrow!

  5. Cool mesh-up and ironing sheets - been there, done that and swore it off by adulthood.

  6. What a great set Tamar- I really love seeing these glimpses into your everyday.

  7. Oh you are fine Tamar! It was with a heavy heart that I sent out the email. I am glad to hear from you now and that we can move forward together. Oh I will do more that kick cancer to the curb! I will make sure it is there when the garbage truck comes to run over it's pile of junk! I am a fighter and I am determined to win this war, that is for DANG sure!

  8. You have such a full, joyful life! I love the minion :) My grandma used to iron sheets. I had to do it for her when I visited. Yeah, I thought that was crazy!
