Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Seafood, Symphony, Swedish (furniture)

Busy weekend on the home front. Mom came up to spend the long weekend with me and we had a nice time out about in (surprisingly snowy) Boston. 
Saturday night, we went downtown for dinner and the symphony. I had actually never been into the Prudential Center Mall and it was so cool to stumble on this indoor oasis. A nice contrast to the snow outside!
We had a lovely dinner at Legal Seafoods. I am a sucker for their trout and it's just fun to be in a nice restaurant all dressed up, right?
Then we took in the BSO. I have fond memories as a kid going to the orchestra in Philly and hadn't heard a concert in ages. They did two wonderful pieces, one an hour long piece that is very rarely performed - stunning piece and the conductor was conducting from memory. Color me impressed all around.
To round out the weekend we went to IKEA on Sunday (lots of "s's" this weekend...). I was in need of more book shelf space. I finally took the plunge and got artsy with my arrangements - loving it. All the Real Simple reading and pinterest browsing finally paid off!

A nice way to relax on a nice long weekend!


  1. How wonderful to be able to spend some quality time with Mom. Love the book shelf!

  2. Oh how fun! I'd LOVE to go to a symphony again and I love your bookshelf. I've always loved books and secretly crave my own library!

  3. What a fun weekend with Mom!! I love Legal Seafood!! You know Ikea is my second home and you just can't go wrong with a new bookshelf from them.

  4. I'm glad you had time with your mom. You two seem to always have fun. I haven't been to the symphony in years either. It's visually great too.
    Love your comfy space. Is that Shel Silverstein I see on the top shelf? Love his stuff. Happy day Tamar.

  5. Sounds like a delightful weekend - I bet your mom thoroughly enjoyed it too.

  6. Now, that's a great weekend!! I haven't been to Ikea for a while, love that place!!

  7. sounds like fun and I love the bookshelf! we are getting IKEA here this fall and I can't wait.

  8. That is a great weekend! A fun night out is such a treat. Love your shelf too! I'm hoping to convert our mostly unused playroom to a work space this spring.

  9. Glad you had such a fun weekend! And you'll have the bookcase to remember it by for years to come. Good job! Stay safe in the storm this week :)

  10. Thank you our dear neighbor for Ikea! :D

  11. A little bit of orchestral music every now and then is so therapeutic. :)

  12. yummy, wonderful and interesting. Sounds like you had quite a week.
