Monday, January 20, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 1.3

The Good:
Two awesome food experiments this past week.
 Put my new food processor to good use and made vegan mango banana "ice cream" - so good! Just blended frozen mango and banana until smooth!
Easy, roasted peppers. No chopping or anything. Just buy mini peppers, toss with olive oil and salt and roast until all soft and amazing.

The Random: 
Really netflix? Really? How about I recommend those two have a play date instead...

The Fun:
Saturday we unexpectedly got way more snow than they thought. It was maybe going to flurry for a bit but we got a few inches! No one saw it coming, fun for snow lovers, but the poor weather folks had a lot of 'xplaining to do!

    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. yum! going to have to try that "ice cream" myself!

    -Nicky @ awesomeville

  2. I love your G, R and fun! That ice cream sounds amazing!

  3. I think Netflix, and their "choices" are the very definition of Random! And I haven't seen Caillou since my kids were watching tv in France when they were little!

  4. Oh, yes...those mini peppers are so awesome! Great frozen treat, too!

  5. Yum on the mango ice cream! I love mangoes! The peppers look pretty great, too. Hope you have a great week and an extra special Friday! ;)

  6. I love that you watch The Midwife too! We just bought season 1 & 2 for Christmas and have really been getting into it. Love these English shows!

  7. I don't give much thought to Netflix's random/ suggested picks as there are several of us in the house that watch Netflix - husband/teenage son / me - wanta talk random...

    Your food experiments look tasty - might have to give the peppers a go (been awhile since I made those).

  8. We might get a *little* snow tonight according to the weather peeps. I hope they are wrong and we get lots more! We need it! :)

  9. I love grilled romaine and cauliflower!! so yum....

  10. We actually have a food truck here that sells that kind of "ice cream" and charges like $5 for a tiny cup! And I have a bag of those peppers right now. I just couldn't resist them at the store, but I had no idea what to do with them. Thanks!

  11. We actually have a food truck here that sells that kind of "ice cream" and charges like $5 for a tiny cup! And I have a bag of those peppers right now. I just couldn't resist them at the store, but I had no idea what to do with them. Thanks!

  12. Yummy "ice cream"! I'm going to have to pick up some berries or something and make something similar.

    We've had some weather snafus here this winter as well. The weathermen either over predict or under predict. They are never usually right. :)

  13. We actually have a food truck here that sells that kind of "ice cream" and charges like $5 for a tiny cup! And I have a bag of those peppers right now. I just couldn't resist them at the store, but I had no idea what to do with them. Thanks!

  14. Love your food experiments!!!! Sounds great. I still have some peppers from when I made the pepper jelly- maybe I'll do this.

  15. LOL! Netflix can be funny that way. Seriously, send some of that snow our way. We are way too dry here in Calif and are looking at a drought this summer. The food experiments look like they turned out great!
