Thursday, February 6, 2014

Orange Roasted Brussel Sprouts

I got creative last weekend with some brussel sprouts. I am happy to report they were a giant success, so of course, I'm sharing the wealth.

All boils roasts down to:
 zest and juice.
oven (in the awesome $2.00 roasting pan I scored at IKEA).
 = delicious. 
These have a nice subtle orange flavor. I think the best perk was that I didn't use any oil. Super yummy and super healthy! Enjoy. 


  1. I love brussels sprouts and this sounds perfect! Must try! Have a good day!

  2. They look amazing! I would love to find a way to make sprouts appeal to the masses here.

  3. an amazing combination of flavors - your photos make it look so tempting!

  4. I haven't had brussel-sprouts in so (soooo) long - goodness do these look good. Roasted - I like that idea.

  5. You are something else. Something WONDERFUL! : )

  6. that sounds delicious. I am going to try this tonight. it might be good with some fennel added as well.

  7. Oh Brussel Sprouts are so yum. I love your veganish recipes, thanks big time. ♥ (pistachio are from heaven)

  8. Am not a huge fan of sprouts, but I know they're healthy, so I should try include them in my diet more often.
