Monday, March 3, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 9

The Good:
I spent last Sunday on the slopes! The conditions were ideal, in my mind, and the weather was coldish/mild so it made for a perfect few hours out on the slopes. It still amazes me that I live about an hour and a half from this kind of skiing, when growing up I had to drive 2-3 hours to get to "mountains" - yay Wachusett!

The Random:
Ski slopes have a general sense of humor. The rule of "ski fast lose pass" isn't a joke, it's easy to wipe out when being reckless, but I got an even bigger kick out of the sign after I saw the legit speed limit sign on another slope. It may be a joke or a remnant of the slopes also being trails in the off-season. Either way, I was laughing pretty hard.

The Fun:
Seriously. Snowboarding = my happy place. My mind is blank and I just board. I was on a post-boarding-euphoric-high all Sunday night and it was the perfect way to launch back into school last week!
And it's amazing that I can have this much fun with these amazing views. Granted, I am going downhill so fast (not that fast) that I need to remember to stop and savor the views from time to time - otherwise, it's all a downhill blur of fun!

Oh is it March...and still's snowing right now...


Now it's your turn...
What good, random, fun did you have last week?
Grab the button and link up here each Monday with something good, random, or fun that happened last week. Share words, photos, or a good random combination of the two!
Then, visit some other links and make new friends!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

    An InLinkz Link-up

18 thoughts on the matter:

4 Lettre Words said... {Reply}

Fun...and a lovely view, indeed!

Unknown said... {Reply}

So jealous, never been skiing or snowboarding but would love to try!

Nicky @ awesomeville

tinajo said... {Reply}

Oooh - I want that bear sign..! :-D

Stephanie said... {Reply}

I never tried boarding but it looks like fun. You've got a beautiful smile.

Nicki said... {Reply}

It's going to snow any way so you might as well have fun with it. I wish boarding was the 'thing' back in my younger days - it didn't take too many attempts to determine downhill skiing wasn't my thing so I stuck to cross-country. Then again, if I would have given it more effort ....

Glad this opportunity is closely available to you. Enjoy.

Suburban Girl said... {Reply}

That's a lot of random fun you were having. Love your big smile.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

You look so happy out there! What gorgeous views too!!!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

you are awesome!

Party of 5 said... {Reply}

I wanna snowboard (never done it) that sign ha ha ha. You look amazing out there.

Happy Monday!

Gina Kleinworth said... {Reply}

How fun!!!! I need that bench with the bears!! We collect them.

renae said... {Reply}

Glad you are taking advantage of the snow as a sport rather than a neighborhood drudge / driving burden. lol

Have a great week Tamar and super fun with your cute students!!! ♥

Anonymous said... {Reply}

We have a ski resort 2 hrs. away, and went to that town for winter vacation, but because we had 3 kids, their fun was most important, so I never took up skiing, because in those vacations I took back up art:)

Kim Cunningham said... {Reply}

You look like you are having fun! The ski fast lose pass is kind of funny. I didn't know there was a way to ski slow, but I guess it is a relative thing. I was coming to blog and link up tonight, but for some reason I have no internet connection on my PC to get my post to post. I can only use my iPad and the images aren't on there. I'll be back once I get that sorted.

Unknown said... {Reply}

Sweet! I've never gone skiing. Unless you count Wii skiing, then I'm a pro. :) Sounds like you had a great time!

Kmcblackburn said... {Reply}

You need to write a book! :)

packmom said... {Reply}

Your skiing looks so fun. Hoping to finally get some good ski days in here. Took us awhile to get decent snow.

Anonymous said... {Reply}

You do look awfully happy in that shot, but I think I prefer a much slower pace. Beautiful scenes!

Shoshanah said... {Reply}

I wish that I lived that close to a ski slope! It's been years since I've been skiing, I haven't gone since college, and I keep telling the boy we need to take a ski trip. Someday soon hopefully!