Sunday, May 11, 2014

Song-ography: what you need

You can't always get what you want...
 But if you try sometimes you just may find...
You get what you need...

And more!

On this mother's day, and the 4th anniversary of my college graduation, and 2nd anniversary of my grad-school graduation, I can't help but think of my mom when I hear this song.

My mom is one of the main reasons I am where I am.

Life wasn't always easy for me because of my hearing and learning struggles. I didn't always get what I wanted: to get things in school easily, to not have to struggle, to not have extra therapies, but my mom made sure I got what I needed.

My mom was my first advocate. She taught me to advocate for myself. Now, I use that skill in advocating for my students and one day I will advocate and fight for my own children.

Thanks you, Ima, for teaching me that no matter what it works out in the end. That no matter what you get what you need. That no matter what, you are there for me.

I love you something crazy.


  1. Wonderful and loving tribute to your mom on this special day. I can so relate to your experience both as the child that had to work every inch of the way, to the mother of the child where things didn't just come naturally or easy.

    Enjoy this day with your mom.

  2. Happy Mother's Day! Very nice photos!

  3. This got me a little teary - such a great gift she gave to you. So encouraging to see such a special bond between you two!!

  4. What a beautiful post! I bet your mom is very proud of you and the things you achieved. Love the photos of the two of you :)

  5. What a wonderful Mama! Have a wonderful day!

  6. I know she's so proud Tamar - you are forging a great path & doing amazing things!!!

  7. Wonderful tribute to your mom. S

  8. Sounds like your mom is pretty perfect! Beautiful :)

  9. Sounds like your mom is pretty perfect! Beautiful :)

  10. What a sweet tribute to your mom on mother's day! Love seeing the pics of both of you. :)

  11. Happy Mother's Day Tamar. What a beautiful tribute to your Mom.

  12. That´s the best with mothers - always in their childrens corners..! :-)

  13. Lovely post :) Happy Mothers day ..

  14. what a beautiful tribute to your mom!! i think most of us are where we are because of our moms.

    great picture of the two of you!!

    happy mothers day, you are mom to many little ones when they are away from their other moms. you will also have a tremendous impact on their lives!!

  15. Such a loving post for Mother's Day. And boy, no denying you are your mother's daughter :). Two gorgeous ladies. Thank you for joining in at Song-ography.

  16. you look like sisters! such pretty smiles. hope you got to spend the day with your mom...
