Monday, May 12, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 19

The Good:
I finally got around to watching "The Dallas Buyers Club" Saturday night. Wow. What an amazing film. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto more than earned their Oscars. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

The Random:
I've realized, with 23 days to go, that by giving them lots of work to do I just give myself double the work. I need to create the work, then mark the work, then send it home/file it. Hmmmm.....
And yes...I watch John Stewart, while marking papers on my lunch break.

The Fun:
I am so happy with the mother's day projects I sent home. We wrote persuasive pieces "why my mom should be on the cover of People Magazine" - the artsy piece was my favorite though and the kids thought so too!
I saw this idea on pinterest and it was easy to pull off. Canvas + painter's tape + paint. Mark the canvas (they got 5 pieces of tape - they chose where/the shapes, etc), paint, let it dry, and remove the tape. 
 They turned out SO awesome. I made a few for my apartment, too. Love me some cheap, wicked awesome art!



  1. Love the art work Tamar. Yes, you should remember to work smarter not harder. A lesson learned is a good lesson. Have a great week.

  2. Oooooo, I like those canvases. Neat idea.

  3. Good morning! First of all, I was wondering about that movie. Now I must see. Also, I love that art project. That is something I can do with Lauren. She'll love it!

  4. I've been itching to see that movie - just going to have to Netflex it. Love the artwork - I bet Pinterest is a great tool for teachers.

    enjoy your day Tamar.

  5. We watched that movie last week and LOVED it. Their performances were amazing!

  6. What great ART!!!!!

    Glad to hear you saw that movie. The hubs & I were just talking about how we want to see it. Matthew is an incredible actor - love him.

  7. wow!!! I loved all of this good random fun, especially the art your students did (gave me a great idea for a weird wall in my home). I'm just curious about who likes what style of dress. I can see you in #6, I can. ♥,Renae

  8. Cheap, wicked art, a great movie and learning...fabulous.
    Happy Monday!

  9. Your projects look amazing! I'm sure the mommies loved them. I haven't been to a movie in so long, but I do like MM. Maybe I can get a night out. I'm also smiling because we have those same handwriting workbook sheets here! 23 days! You are almost there!

  10. Amaaaaazing movie! I only saw it a few weeks ago for the first time. Couldn't believe the physical transformation the actors went thru for their roles.

  11. Ich bin heute das erste Mal dabei, ich hoffe, dass ich richtig liege mit meinen Fotos !
    Der Film ist vorgemerkt, man hört nur Gutes über ihn.

  12. I loved that movie - such great acting, as you said. And I agree - those art pieces are amazing! {I took the lazy last morning of vacation way out of posting today...but you know I'll be back to link up next week!}

  13. Thank you for hosting. This is the first time I have ran across this blog and the hop. I am happily joining in. Love the art projects for the kids. My son loves art.I hope you Have a wonderful week ahead

  14. the canvases all laid out together look so good!
    nice of you to make mother's day gifts with the kids - my kids didn't make any this year! (besides Simon, he did)

  15. What a neat idea with the canvas'! Love your blog! I'm a new follower and would love for you to stop by and visit me sometime!

  16. That was a great movie! Love the mom art! I bet the moms did too!
