Monday, June 9, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun v. 23

The Good:
I printed and framed some of my food photography during the winter, but never actually got around to taking the time to hang it. I finally did on Sunday and just love how it looks in the kitchen now.

The Random:
I own a seltzer maker, yet I am so addicted to the Polar seltzer flavors. I came across the summer flavors at Target and had to try them. My poor neglected seltzer maker!

The Fun: 
I had seen the first few "Orange is the new Black" episodes but never finished the season. I may or may not have binged and watched the rest of the season - highly recommend. Now I'm all ready for season 2!


    An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Loving that picture wall!!

    -Nicky @

  2. Yay for you for printing pics. I finally ordered some and am waiting for delivery.

  3. Really love your picture wall - the photos, of course, are amazing. And you did a fantastic job with shapes, sizes, frames and arrangement - really looks nice! I peeked at an episode of orange is the new black this weekend...caught my interest - we'll give it a go!

  4. I binged, too. :) Love the photos!

  5. Good for you for displaying your photos! I need to get some more printed out too. I've been drinking flavored Seltzers too :) So many flavors to choose from!!

  6. Love the food photography - great display. I got sucked into OITNB when my son and his friends were watching during the first season and am now ready to do a little binge watch on #2 myself.

    I need to look into a seltzer maker because since giving up diet coke my treat is 'sparkling water' and at a dollar or more a pop, it can add up.

  7. the food pics look great!
    I watched the first episode of orange is the new black season 2 last night. I look forward to watching more!

  8. Your food photo gallery looks so cute! Love that you did that and are celebrating not only your photography, but your food! I'll give Orange a try! I'm looking for a new show.

  9. I've been loving the summer Polar flavors too. I haven't seen Vanilla Pear yet. Your photos look so great all together and framed! Great idea!! I'm addicted to OITNB and started watching Season 2 last night. I don't want to binge on it because it will be over too soon!!

  10. Love the Polar Selzters....Peach/Vanilla...yum!

  11. Yay! You for framing your work. :) It looks so good!

  12. Yay! You for framing your work. :) It looks so good!

  13. Your framed photographs look great.

  14. Your food photos look great! I may be guilty of printing photos and never hanging them also. :) Have a great week! Thanks for hosting! Next week if I get to join in, I will be posting from the beach. Yay!

  15. Wow, I love your food photography collage. I've been trying to figure out what to hang on my kitchen wall. Inspired!

  16. Love your pictures, they are great :)
