Sunday, September 14, 2014

Scav Hunt Sunday: Stripes and Florals

Monday's skirt, lots of stripes. At least no kid called me a zebra!

Lunch all packed and ready to go.

My commute to my new school. Many, many miles shorter than the old one!

Too cute cool:
Not cute, but the sun rising over the upper school campus of my school is pretty awesome!

Went out to take some pictures around my street. This little flower is so fun and is my favorite one of the remaining summer blooms.

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!


  1. I love stripes - always looks classy! :-)

  2. Very interesting, I remain stuck with the first and last! Beautiful photos!

  3. It's great to be so close to your place of work! Now I'm wondering what you packed for lunch besides an apple.

  4. I like the perspective on your shots. I love your take on cute. I'm not much into cute myself.

  5. love to see the sun coming up... such promise! How wonderful that your commute is so much shorter! I am going to check out your random fun on Monday!

  6. Great job with the hunt. I like black/white stripes and chuckled about no one calling you a zebra.
    You pack your lunch well.
    Your Travel shot was so unqiue and how nice that you don't have to go far now for your job.
    I liked your (cool) shot, the wavy lines of the building roof caught my eye.
    Very pretty flower indeed.

  7. Love your stripes! And the early morning light on the school building is really pretty!

  8. Nice shots! Love last one :-)

  9. Like that skirt - give the kids a month or so, I'm sure the zebra remarks will surface once they have warmed up to you. I also really like the architecture of the school - catches the light beautifully.

  10. LOL about the zebra comment! Your favorite shot this week is my favorite of yours too.

    Glad the new school is closer to you.

  11. No doubt, you did find some stripes. I love it! Your favorite shot is very pretty.

  12. Great shots! I love your skirt! I've been noticing those flowers lately..they are really popping!

  13. What GREAT shots this week Tamar!!! Love love love!
