Friday, September 12, 2014

September Randoms v.1

trader joes...maimo onions
pakora cod...cape cod...setting sun
wedding party...heart hands...editing progress
zaftigs brunch...messy desk...sweet card
first day...reading time...successful day
tbt kindergarden...our contract...contract signing
fresh salmon...daily news...stain buster
storm clouds...sunday breakfast...purple flower
favorite windows...unfiltered sky
achieved 4096...jelly beans...math problems
four square...working breakfast...upside down
math games...shorter commute...evening vino

Sharing with My Memory Art and Serendipity is Sweet

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!


  1. 4096!!! I've had to stop for a while - I was too addicted! I usually feel like I've seen all your 'randoms' when you post these - today I feel like I've missed some of these...shorter commute's gotta be nice!

  2. Love the kindergarden tbt!! 4096!! Wowwwww!!!
    Looks like a great month so far.

  3. Hi Tamar,
    I know I've said it before, but I just love these peeks into your most interesting life!

  4. congrats on reaching 4096!

    Love peeking at the random things in your life.

  5. I love the way you are journaling your everyday life. Simple, but you know the old saying... "a picture is worth a thousand words."

    I do a monthly photo journal, as well. All month, although not daily, I take pictures of life in my neck of the woods. Then I post it at the end of the month and journal about it. It's fun to go back and be reminded of how is was!

  6. I absolutely love your September in photos!!!! So many great moments!

  7. So many lovely shots of your life - and what a great way of journaling!

  8. Well done. Your mosaics of your life are so much fun. I really get a sense of who you are from them.

  9. Love these snippets - good times! :-)

  10. I see my favorite jelly bean in that handful! It's been, and always has been juicy pear. I really think it taste just like an actual pear.

  11. Looks like great times, my kids love that numbers game but I've not tried it yet as they say it is very additive :)
