Monday, September 5, 2022

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 35

The Good:
WDS is shifting our focus to being aligned with the Science of Reading. It's a pedagogical passion of mine and it was great to present on it last week at the faculty orientation.  

The Random:
This may be the most genius name for a self-storage place!

The Fun:
There is something about fresh flowers that just feel so great! I rarely have them (cough...pollen...cough) but a bouquet of sunflowers is usually a safe option!

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  1. I love the contrast with the yellow of the sunflowers & the blues of your display Tamar.
    Blessings, Jennifer

  2. I love your new reading initiative and wish you much success with it! That is a really great name for a storage facility. And I just go a bouquet of sunflowers for my new dining room as well!


  3. The sunflowers with all your beautiful blue... stunning!

  4. Kudos on that reading program!

    Love that store name!

    I have three sunflowers growing in my backyard and love watching them grow!

    Happy Labor Day!

  5. I would have assumed sunflowers had lots of pollen because that part is so big. It must be hard to get out maybe?

  6. I love fresh flowers for our table too but have to watch out what kind of varieties I bring home so the pollen doesn't do me in either. Your flowers are lovely.

  7. Very cool that you did a presentation. I love sunflowers.

  8. That reading program sounds so awesome! Love the flowers. Way too many storage places out there, that is the perfect name!
