Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Flowers That Bloom In Spring

The flowers that bloom in the spring...
Breathe promise of merry sunshine...

{The Flowers That Bloom in Spring -- Mikado}

Spring sure took forever to arrive this year, but once it did it put on a show!
It's almost like winter tests your belief that anything will ever bloom again.
Then, suddenly, there it is and your forget it was ever bare and brown.


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  1. ...spring is always worth waiting for!

  2. Beautiful! We commented so many times on our weekend trip how grateful we were to be in t-shirts and shorts and looking at leaves and flowers! YAY for spring (and summer)!

  3. I also felt like it took forever for spring to come this year! Yay for the flowers!

  4. So beautiful! Good job on the shots!

  5. So, so pretty! Flowers always make me happy. :)

  6. So very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Gorgeous! God sure does paint a pretty picture! Have a wonderful week! Happy Spring!

  8. And the next line that comes to mind is "Tra La, have nothing to do with the case".
    Not really what you were going for but obviously a memorable line for me.
    Beautiful flowers blooming. It always amazes me, looking at opposite seasons.

  9. Beautiful! Tulips are my favorite! I love the variety of colors you found.

  10. Beautiful shots. The first one is especially striking - the happiest photo I've seen today!
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/05/james-taylor-gotta-love-him.html
