Monday, May 27, 2024

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 21

The Good:
Judah's father and step-mother took us out to a celebratory dinner in the city this week. We went to a swanky vegan, kosher restaurant in Chelsea and it was divine!

The Random:
Was I influenced into buying this simply from the packaging....yep....was it good...ehhhh

The Fun:
The teachers who work in my division gifted me these as a mazal tov been so fun to be showered with so many sweet congratulatory nods right now!

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  1. ...the beverage business has gotten out of hand!

  2. How nice to receive so much love! The flowers are beautiful.

  3. LOVE those flowers, and I love that you are being so well celebrated! Enjoy every moment! - Bekah

  4. Love seeing all the fun you are having! Enjoy it all, and thanks for hosting (and sharing!) Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  5. Babie pop? Not a big fan of pop in general, so not sure if I will think twice about searching for this one, maybe just pass it.|
    Happy Memorial day and thanks, Tamar, for hosting and having me over.
    My entries are numbered #23+24
    Please join and share your posts with us

  6. Those flowers are so lovely!

  7. Thank you sincerely for sharing this beautiful time in your life. If I may say in this tough time where we under emotional assault everyday, it is deeply healing to see a beautiful young Jewish couple starting out in life. Mazel tov 💗

  8. I said it on Facebook, but again CONGRATULATIONS. So lovely to see a couple obviously so much in love. All the best for the future. Mazel tov

  9. That restaurant sounds amazing. What's the name if you don't mind sharing. That soda is so cute and the flowers are gorgeous!

  10. That food plate looks amazing and those flowers are so pretty. What a fun and special time for you. Soak it all in girl!
