Ok, so this week flew by. I cannot believe it was a weak ago that I was leaving on a jet plane for Chicago to celebrate my cousin Josh's Bar Mitzvah.

Sing it with me... "i'm leaving on a jet plane...."

I so love family celebrations that involve lots of family! I got to see Avi (big yay), Eric (big yay), and Andy (big yay).

And of course Ethan (yay again).

A celebration is not complete without some dancing. Aunt Suzanne can burn up the dance floor. (Eric can too).

Andy. RSIT. (Rock Star In Training).

Real men wear pink shades.

The Bar Mitzvah boy!

The five Strauss cousins: Lisa, Avi, Eric, Lori, Me.
What a great weekend to end a nice spring break, and now there are only 5 weeks of classes left. Um, wow.
1 thoughts on the matter:
what cute glasses! looks like a great time with family :)
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