Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'd move to Australia, but....

I sorta feel like Alexander today..... and maybe I should go by middle name of Alexandra today....

It's jut been one of those days. Not massively awful, just a few too many icky things...

At one point this afternoon I was really ready to move to Australia....

What led me to have this urge? Well, it all began with my buying a new lightbulb. I was being very friendly to our planet and bought one of those fancy eco-friendly bulbs. Those ones that are great for the planet but contain some mercury which makes you handle them like an infant... Yeah, well, while standing on a chair trying to put this bulb into my pantry's light socket it slipped and went crashing down - and of course.... it shattered.

No good deed goes unpunished right? Yeah.... not easy to clean up, I managed. Could have been worse.... right?

Well, then while trying to do some laundry I had more icky experiences....I did the wash part no problem.... It was the dryer where I had issues. I went to go pick up my "dry" clothes and they were WET, not dry AT ALL.

All is well now, all is dry, and cleaned up.

And it's probably a good thing I am not moving to Australia, it's going to be winter there soon and here spring is on the horizon, so it has to get better, right? I hope so.

0 thoughts on the matter: